Distant view of Enoshima from Shichirigahama in Kamakura Superb woodblock printed triptych by Utagawa Sadatora, 1839 275,000 yen
▶ Woodblock prints / ukiyoe
Manuscript of Journey from Kuwana to Edo Superb with hand-drawn illustrations of places along the way, 1852 770,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese manuscripts
Sansuicho - Woodblock printed book of landscapes by the artist priest Unshitsu, 1823 99,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
Illustrated Manuscript Book on Ogasawara School of Etiquette Showing food presentation and room decoration methods, 1836 176,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese manuscripts
Manuscript Book of Early Foreign Ship Visits to Japan and more including beautiful drawings of HMS Saracen and Brothers, c1825 SOLD
▶ Illustrated Japanese manuscripts
The 48 Winning Techniques in Sumo Selected by Horai Sanjin. Illustrated by Utagawa Kuniyasu., c1840s SOLD
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
Kaibo Igi - Manuscript of Pre-Perry visits. 9 vols with only known Japanese illustration of Capt. James Biddle, 1849 SOLD
▶ Illustrated Japanese manuscripts