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Searched for ' ' :  1640 items found






1201 - 1250 of 1640 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ...
Bushido by Foreign Writers
edited by Matsuura Yosamatsu, 1904
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published in Japan)
Livre Pour L'Instruction - Early French Vocabulary Book
One of the earliest French study books published in Japan, 1870
▶ Dictionaries / Phrase Books / Language Study Books
The Months of Japanese Children for 1910
by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1909
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Calendars
The Months of Japanese Children - For 1906
by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1905
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Calendars
Medium format photo of Tattooed Man
Hand-coloured albumen photo, c1880
▶ Old Japanese Photos / Photo Albums
▶ Tattoos
Fugaku Hiyaku-kei or A Hundred Views of Fuji (Fusiyama) by Hokusai
by Frederick Victor Dickins, 1880
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published outside Japan)
Floral Japan by Flora Sweet
The scarcest of Akiyama's large format crepe paper books, 1896
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Non-Hasegawa Books
The Jesuit Mission Press in Japan 1591-1610
by Ernest Mason Satow, 1888
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published in Japan)
CDV of Japanese Acrobats in Australia
taken in Ballarat, 1871
▶ Old Japanese Photos / Photo Albums
▶ CDVs
Calendar for 1917 [Crepe paper book]
by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1916
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Calendars
Calendar for 1906 [Crepe paper book]
by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1905
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Calendars
Outdoor Games by F. W. Strange
The first English book on sport published in Japan, 1883
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published in Japan)
The Numismatic & Philatelic Journal of Japan (1st six issues)
by H. A. Ramsden, 1913
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published in Japan)
Fugaku Hyakkei (One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji) Vol. 3
Superb work by Hokusai. Lovely impression., c1870
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
Fugaku Hyakkei (One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji) Vol. 2
Superb work by Hokusai. Lovely impression., c1860s
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
Two Japanese Maps of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
Colour woodblock printed folding maps, 1879
▶ Maps / Guide Books
Kaisei Zoho Bango Sen [Revised & Enlarged Barbarian Language Vocabulary]
Dutch (rangaku) study books. 2 vol. complete, 1848
▶ Dictionaries / Phrase Books / Language Study Books
Map of Nagasaki and Dejima
by Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, 1752
▶ Maps / Guide Books
Kabuki Juhachiban - The 18 Best Kabuki Plays
Colour woodblock prints of the Ichikawa Danjuro line, 1917
▶ Woodblock prints / ukiyoe
Spurven der mistede sin Tunge [The Tongue-Cut Sparrow]
Japanese fairy tale in Danish, 1886
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Languages Other Than English
Manuscript books on Tengen Physiognomy
3 Books including one with movable wheel, c1925
▶ Illustrated Japanese manuscripts
Book of Kumadori Kabuki Make up
with 19 lovely designs, c1930
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
Wrestlers & Wrestling in Japan by W. K. Burton
with a Historical and Descriptive Account by J. Inouye, 1895
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published in Japan)
Musashino - 31 issues of Imperial Hotel Tokyo Magazine in English
Fascinating articles and information about guests and events, 1911-16
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published in Japan)
Considerations of Representative Government
Copy of Ernest Mason Satow with his bookplate and signature, 1861
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published outside Japan)
Japanese Folding Book with 24 Images on Silk
Includes 12 illustrations of death and funerary customs, c1900
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
The Temples and Shrines of Nikko, Japan
by Robert Charles Hope, F.S.A., F.R.S.L., 1896
▶ Maps / Guide Books
First Japanese Guide on How to Play Ping Pong (Table Tennis)
by Torikai Eijiro, 1903
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
A Biographical Sketch of Rev. Nathan Brown, D.D.
by Albert Arnold Bennett, 1895
▶ Japan related books in Western languages (published in Japan)
Large format photo of Ainu Family
Hand-coloured albumen photo, c1890
▶ Old Japanese Photos / Photo Albums
▶ Ainu
Scenes from the Japan-China War
by Inouye Jukichi, 1895
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Large Format Books
The Japan Express - Vol.1 Nos. 3&4
Published by Raphael Schoyer, 1862
▶ Newspapers/Diaries/Other printed ephemera/Other
Seiyo Kasaku Hinagata - The first book of Western architecture published in Japan
Complete set of 4 volumes, 1872
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
Photo Album of 100 Okimono made by Yoshida Soju
Unique, accordion-style folding album, 1894
▶ Old Japanese Photos / Photo Albums
A Collection of Ukiyoe Masters - Calendar for 1931
Plain paper calendar in original envelope, 1930
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Calendars
Musashino - Lovely woodblock printed design book
by Okada Shiko, 1940
▶ Illustrated Japanese design books
English Alphabet Study Book
by Abe Tameto, 1867
▶ Dictionaries / Phrase Books / Language Study Books
Asanuma Photographic Mount Catalogue
with samples including studios of Ueno Hikoma and Kusakabe Kimbei, 1903
▶ Catalogues
Seiho's Twelve Views of Mt. Fuji
Beautiful woodblock printed folding book, 1894
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
Japanese Fairy Tale Series No.1 - Momotaro
published by The Kobunsha for Griffith Farran , 1885
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Japanese Fairy Tales
Catalogue of The Exhibition of Paintings of Hokusai
the first exhibition of Hokusai works held in Japan, 1901
▶ Catalogues
Group of 6 Lovely Japonisme Calendars
published by various Italian companies, 1903-20
▶ Newspapers/Diaries/Other printed ephemera/Other
Flags of the Different Daimios of Japan
Wonderful scroll in Japanese and English, c1866
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Street Scenes of Old Japan - Calendar 1910
Lovely crepe paper work by Hasegawa, 1910
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Calendars
CDVs of Japanese acrobats 'All Right' and fellow child performer
Taken by Beaufoy Merlin, 1871
▶ Old Japanese Photos / Photo Albums
▶ CDVs
Japanese Exhibition Catalogue on crepe paper
by Louis Williams, 1896
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Non-Hasegawa Books
Types of Japan - Celebrated Geysha of Tokyo
by Ogawa Kazumasa, 1895
▶ Old Japanese Photos / Photo Albums
▶ Photo Albums/Books
Sword and Blossom Poems from the Japanese
Done into English Verse by Shotaro Kimura & Charlotte M. A. Peake, 1908-1937
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
Dutch Ship on Hand-painted Card
by Keisui?, c1850
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Street Scenes of Japan - Calendar for 1909
Stunning work with art by Hiroshige, 1908
▶ Japanese crepe paper books and related publications
▶ Calendars

1201 - 1250 of 1640 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ...