Woodblock Printed Triptych of the Tsukiji Hotel in Tokyo by Utagawa Kuniteru II, 1868 275,000 yen
▶ Woodblock prints / ukiyoe
Famous Views in Yokohama - An American Beauty by Utagawa Yoshitora, 1860 99,000 yen
▶ Woodblock prints / ukiyoe
Group of 14 Large, Hand-painted Illustrations of Edo era Punishments depicting the trial, tattooing, and penalties for criminals, c1860 330,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Woodblock Printed Triptych of Inubōsaki Lighthouse in Chiba by Utagawa Kuniteru II, c1874 275,000 yen
▶ Woodblock prints / ukiyoe
Manuscript of Journey from Kuwana to Edo Superb with hand-drawn illustrations of places along the way, 1852 770,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese manuscripts
Sansuicho - Woodblock printed book of landscapes by the artist priest Unshitsu, 1823 99,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese books
Manuscript Book on Japanese Words Classified into Categories including the characters for city and country names around the world, c1870 99,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese manuscripts