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Searched for ' ' :  20 items found






1 - 20 of 20 :
Hanging Scroll of American Ship
The Manhattan captained by Mercator Cooper, c1850
660,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Hanging Scroll of Foreign Steam Ship
Impressive, large, hand-drawn and coloured illustration, c1860
770,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Group of 14 Large, Hand-painted Illustrations of Edo era Punishments
depicting the trial, tattooing, and penalties for criminals, c1860
330,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Large Drawing of Ancient Japanese Battleship
Hand-coloured and labelled, c1850
121,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Wonderful, illustrated scroll by Kano Naganobu
Birds and trees in the four seasons, c1850
220,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Album with 8 Russo-Japanese War Paintings on Silk
Important, dated album with messages from soldiers, 1904
275,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Stunning Painting of Shrine Entrance and Grounds
Probably Hokusai school, c1850
880,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Hanging Scroll of Mary and Baby Jesus
Striking work on silk by Japanese artist, c1900
330,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Hand Drawn Illustration of Two Dogs
by photographer and artist Shimooka Renjo, c1850
275,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Scroll in Dutch written by Rangaku Scholar Yoshio Shunzo
Signed and dated, 1825
220,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Flags of the Different Daimios of Japan
Wonderful scroll in Japanese and English, c1866
385,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Dejima Painting on Parchment
Magnificent depiction in colour, c1850s
143,000 yen
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Manuscript Illustration of 47 Ronin Seppuku of Oishi Kuranosuke
Wonderful, hand-drawn and coloured work, c1850s
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Superb, large, dated manuscript drawing of a Mountain hawk-eagle
by Nakayama Osayoshi, 1828
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Large Manuscript Illustration of Black Ships at Kanagawa
also showing the US and Japanese officials ashore, c1854
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Manuscript Scroll of How to wear Samurai Armour
by Ise Heizo Sadatake, c1830
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Hanging Scroll of Skeletons Entertaining Themselves
Fascinating work, c1900
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Dutch Ship on Hand-painted Card
by Keisui?, c1850
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Stunning Unmounted Scroll of Samurai Armour Yoroi Odoshige
Original by Arai Hakuseki , 1785
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings
Illustrated Shugendo Scroll
by highly skilled artist, 1803
▶ Illustrated Japanese scrolls & paintings

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