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Japanese overseas

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CDV of Kenji Osawa
taken by Carl Suck in Berlin, 1874
88,000 yen
CDV of Matsumura
by Numa Blanc, Paris, 1872
44,000 yen
CDV of Kanda Naibu
Signed by Kanda in English and Japanese, 1880
110,000 yen
Stereo Photo of Japanese Officials in US
One of the earliest photos taken of Japanese people, 1860
220,000 yen
Stereo Photo of Tateishi Onojiro or 'Tommy'
Taken in New York by C.D. Fredricks, 1860
275,000 yen
CDVs of Kido Takamasa (Kuruhara Hikotaro)
Taken in Massachusetts when at high school, c1872
275,000 yen
Stereoview Photo of Tachi Kosaku
Superb image, c1862
220,000 yen
CDV of Sugi Magoshichiro
Taken in St. Petersburg, Russia by Charles Bergamasco, 1861
330,000 yen
CDV of The Royal Satsuma's Japanese Troupe
Promotional card for Mobile, Alabama performance, 1871
99,000 yen
CDV of Kuroda Sadaharu
taken in England by G. Ridsdale Cleare, c1890
77,000 yen
Cabinet Card - F. Kitamura's Imperial Japanese Troupe
Scarce photo of acrobats, c1895
55,000 yen
CDV of Japanese Acrobats in France
taken by Camille Brion, Marseille, 1867
88,000 yen
CDV of Nakamigawa Hikojiro
Taken in London. Signed and inscribed., 1876
99,000 yen
CDV of Sonoda Kokichi
Taken in London. Signed and inscribed., c1878
88,000 yen
CDV of Mogami Goro
Taken in London. Signed and inscribed., 1877
88,000 yen
CDV of Identified Japanese Ambassadors
Taken in London by Caldesi, 1862
154,000 yen
CDV of H. Maruta taken in London
Given to Mr. G. Sumiya, c1880
88,000 yen
CDV of Japanese Group in Hong Kong
Taken by Pun Lun, c1867
88,000 yen
Cabinet Card of Jokichi Uchida
student of Cornell University, c1900
77,000 yen
CDV of Japanese Boy Acrobat holding fan
taken by B.LH. Dabbs in Philadelphia, c1867
88,000 yen
CDV of Tateishi 'Tommy' Onojiro
taken by Felix Beato, c1867
220,000 yen
CDV of Japanese Child Acrobat
taken in Madras, India by A.A.Hughes, c1870
99,000 yen
Cabinet Card Photo of Mayama Masaichiro
taken at Gibson & Clark studio in Ann Arbor, Michigan, c1896
99,000 yen
Cabinet Card Photo of Nakamura Yasu
The first Japanese female dental college student in the US, c1895
99,000 yen
CDV of Tokugawa Yoshinobu
Disderi Paris & London, c1867
CDV of Tokugawa Akitake and Suite at Paris Exposition
Original Photo by Walery, 1867
CDV of Yoshinari Hatakeyama (Kozo Sugiura)
taken by D. Clark, c1870
CDV of K. Inagaki
by Marius, Paris, 1872
CDVs of Japanese acrobats 'All Right' and fellow child performer
Taken by Beaufoy Merlin, 1871
CDV of Japanese Acrobats in Australia
taken in Ballarat, 1871
CDV of the Acrobat Brothers Yonekichi & Sentaro Hamaikari
Taken by Numa Blanc in Paris, 1867
Very Scarce CDV of the First Japanese Embassy to Europe
taken by Nadar in Paris, 1862
Superb CDV of Japanese Acrobats in France
taken by Camille Brion, Marseille, 1867
CDV of Torii Tadabumi
taken in Boston, c1874
CDV of Nanjo Bunyu
Taken in London, c1878
Cabinet Card Photos of Inoue Katsunosuke and Sueko
Taken in Berlin, Germany, 1886
CDV of Two Japanese Child Performers
Kunikichi and Kumanosuke of the Matsui Troupe, 1867
CDV of Japanese Tycoon Troupe of Acrobats
Taken in Adelaide, Australia, c1875

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