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Cabinet Cards
Cabinet Card of Luis del Castillo y Frigueros
by Stillfried & Andersen, 1888
88,000 yen
Group of 9 Cabinet Card Photos of Dr. Witter Tingley by Tamamura, Yokohama
In original envelopes and postage info, 1895
154,000 yen
Cabinet Card of Western Man in Jinrikisha
taken by Kozaburo Tamamura, c1890
33,000 yen
Cabinet Card of Japanese military officer in uniform
taken by Ueno Hikoma, c1894
88,000 yen
CDV of Louis Gonse & Cabinet Card of his son, Emmanuel in kimono
Scarce portrait photo of Gonse, c1886
99,000 yen
Cabinet Card Photo of Will Augustus in Rickshaw
taken in Nagasaki at studio Tenyokan, c1890
55,000 yen
Cabinet Card - F. Kitamura's Imperial Japanese Troupe
Scarce photo of acrobats, c1895
55,000 yen
Cabinet Card of Mrs Anne P. Randolph
founder of Kinjo Gakuin University, c1895
66,000 yen
Cabinet Card of Francois Etienne
taken by Suzuki Shin'ichi in Yokohama, c1885
55,000 yen
Cabinet Card of Japanese Maid and Western Baby
by Stillfried of Yokohama, c1875
44,000 yen
Cabinet Card of Jokichi Uchida
student of Cornell University, c1900
77,000 yen
Cabinet Card Photo of the U.S.S. Swatara and officers
taken in Yokohama by Suzuki Shin'ichi, 1881
88,000 yen
Series of 11 Photos showing Nagoya Earthquake Damage
taken by Tani Fusakichi, 1891
Cabinet Card Photos of Inoue Katsunosuke and Sueko
Taken in Berlin, Germany, 1886
Cabinet Card of Woman and Female Rickshaw Driver
taken by Ichida Sōta of Kobe, c1900