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Illustrated Japanese manuscripts

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Manuscript Book of Banners of Samurai Clans
Superb artwork, c1850s
237,600 yen
Manuscript Book of Plots of Land in Sano Village, Kanzaki-gun, c1880s
44,000 yen
Unique Trove of Samurai Armour Designs
Hand-drawn and coloured from the late Edo era, c1830s
264,000 yen
Manuscript on Archery Quivers
by Ise Heizo Sadatake, 1765
110,000 yen
Two Hundred Illustrations of Japanese Arms and Armour
by Kobayashi Sukemichi, 1848
385,000 yen
Large Format Kimono Design Book
Full of delicate designs with subtle colouring, c1890
77,000 yen
Manuscript of Samurai Banners, Flags and Jimbaori
by Iwasaki Koryu, 1852
132,000 yen
Bronzeware Original Designs Trove
Yoshikawa Shoten - Kyoto, c1900
132,000 yen
Shoshoku Ekagami (pictues of various trades)
Original by Kuwagata Keisai (aka Kitao Masayoshi), 1900
77,000 yen
Important and Unique Manuscript Catalogue Album of Japanese Folding Screens (Byobu)
with 55 exquisite, hand-drawn and hand-coloured designs, c1870
3,300,000 yen
Manuscript Book of Maps Showing the Cadastre in Terauchi and Horinouchi Villages, Katori-gun, Chiba
2 volumes filled with hand drawn folding maps, 1888
99,000 yen
Two Manuscript Books - Nosonomy and Gynaecology
handwritten by a Japanese doctor, c1900
77,000 yen
Manuscript on Samples of Building Permits and Agreements for the French National Railway
Japanese translation of a French book, c1890
44,000 yen
Manuscript of Coloured Drawings from Honen Shonin Eden
Superb detailed designs, c1860
165,000 yen
Scroll in Dutch written by Rangaku Scholar Yoshio Shunzo
Signed and dated, 1825
220,000 yen
Manuscript Showing the Various Lanterns of Officials
Hand-drawn and dated, 1868
99,000 yen
Hand Drawn Manuscript of Archery Bows
with 38 detailed illustrations in colour, c1850
88,000 yen
Group of 28 Hand-Drawn, Comical Illustrations of Japanese Proverbs
Superbly drawn on fine paper, c1880
275,000 yen
Manuscript Book of Kusudama for each month
Beautifully hand-drawn and coloured, 1867
165,000 yen
Manuscript Book on Artillery
Illustrations of transport for cannons, 1855
143,000 yen
Manuscript of Antique Hanging Objects
with beautiful hand-drawn and coloured illustrations, 1869
110,000 yen
Illustrated Manuscript Book on Ogasawara School of Etiquette
Showing food presentation and room decoration methods, 1836
176,000 yen
Group of 16 hand drawn illustrations of Animals, Plants and Insects
Beautifully hand-drawn and coloured, c1890
99,000 yen
Street Scenes Yokohama
100 Wonderful, Hand-Drawn Illustrations, c1860s-70s
1,210,000 yen
Zaamen Spraak - Japanese Rangaku Manuscript
based on a Dutch work, c1840
132,000 yen
Manuscript Book on Japanese Words Classified into Categories
including the characters for city and country names around the world, c1870
99,000 yen
Manuscript of Journey from Kuwana to Edo
Superb with hand-drawn illustrations of places along the way, 1852
770,000 yen
Manuscript Book of Early Foreign Ship Visits to Japan and more
including beautiful drawings of HMS Saracen and Brothers, c1825
770,000 yen
Manuscript of Banners of Samurai Clans
Author unknown, c1780s
Large Book of Superb Kimono Designs
Author unknown, c1870s
Hand Drawn Manuscript of Kimono Designs
Author unknown, c1820s-1840s
Original Illustrated Black Ships Manuscript
Superb find. Very rare, 1854
Manuscript Book of Castle Plans
Beautifully coloured and hand drawn diagrams, c1680s
Manuscript Book of Plots of Land in Nishinari-gun, Osaka
Written in a Very Distinct Hand, c1800
Hand Drawn Manuscript of Ceremonial Headwear
Beautifully detailed designs, 1806
Stunning Manuscript Book Showing How Samurai Put On Armour
by Matsuyama, 1721
Manuscript of Battle Wear for Horse Artillery
Large format. Unusual and scarce., c1850s
Manuscript Book of Shipwrecked Japanese Sailors' Visit to Russia
Stunning version of Kankai Ibun, c1807
Extraordinary Bakumatsu Era Archive of Nabeshima-han Manuscript Documents
Unique assortment of handwritten documents of the Hideshima family, Dated 1856-1860
Handwritten Japanese Sword Manuscript
Detailed designs, 1867
Manuscript of Samurai Armour Shoulder Cover Designs
Striking, detailed designs, c1780
Poems of the 36 Immortals - Handwritten manuscript
with delightful and delicate illustrations, 1749
Record of Acupuncture Experiments on Living Things - Manuscript
by Osuka Yoshio (Ryogan), 1875
An Illustrated Description of Three Countries - Manuscript
by Hayashi Shihei, 1785
Fascinating handwritten manuscript on shooting
Targets to hit on animals, samurai, insects, grass and even clouds!, 1699
Hand drawn Illustrated Album by Hikita Uryu
Impressive album depicting characters from Japanese legends, c1840
Japanese Garden Pathway Construction
Matching pair filled with detailed illustrations, c1900
Imperial Manuscript of Ceremonial Food Offerings
with superb hand drawn and coloured illustrations, c1780
Manuscript Pair of Flower & Bird Illustrations
by Fukuda Shojo, 1893
Manuscript of samurai dressing
Series of 20 large single pages, 1850

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