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Japan related books in Western languages (published in Japan)

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Early English Grammar Study Guide
by Abe Tomonoshin, 1867
33,000 yen
The Children's Japan
by Mrs. W. H. Smith, 1895
77,000 yen
Pictures of Ancient Japanese History 2 vol.
by T.H. [Takehira] Asso [Aso], 1890
88,000 yen
Chu - The Tongueless Sparrow
by Shimizu Taijiro, 1888
110,000 yen
Handbook of Information for Shippers & Passengers by the Steamers of Nippon Yusen Kaisha
in beautiful condition, 1904
55,000 yen
Conversation Francais-Japonais
by Yamasaki Shosaku, 1898
49,500 yen
The Modern Linguist in English, French, German and Japanese
by Inoue Tsutomu, 1890
55,000 yen
Etiquette at the Table
by the Countess of _____, 1912
33,000 yen
Tokyo School of Fine Arts - Large Infomation Book
in French and including 9 photo images of art students in classrooms, 1899
88,000 yen
Guide Map of Nikko with scarce Key
edited by Sugie Kinzo, 1884
99,000 yen
First Annual Report of Sapporo Agricultural College
by William Smith Clark et al, 1877
88,000 yen
Fibel oder der Schreib - und Lese - Unterricht
German language reading and writing primer., 1902
44,000 yen
Little Poems from Japanese Anthologies
Rendered into English verse by Evaleen Stein, 1922
77,000 yen
Collection of Hiroshige's Masterpieces (in Original Box)
by Hasegawa Takejiro, c1910
66,000 yen
The Japan Punch - 1876
by Charles Wirgman, 1876
88,000 yen
A Historical Sketch of The College of Agriculture - Tohoku Imperial University
founded by William Smith Clark, 1915
44,000 yen
La bataille du singe et du crabe - Japanese Fairy Tale in French
Very scarce plain paper edition, 1885
88,000 yen
The Japan Punch - August 1876
by Charles Wirgman, 1876
77,000 yen
Orienta Azio - Four issues of Esperanto Gazette printed hectographically
by Harada Takeyoshi, 1913-14
121,000 yen
Japanese Police - Unrecorded Illustrated Photo Book
Published in the year police and mobs killed many Koreans, 1923
220,000 yen
Tochio's Computation on the Soroban
by Tochio Kintaro, 1912
55,000 yen
Pair of Illustrated Books - Tokio Industrial Exhibition
edited & published by Otsu Toyonori, 1907
44,000 yen
A Guide on Hakone
tr. by Chiju Tsuchiya, 1899
44,000 yen
A Guide to Osaka Japan
with numerous illustrations and advertisements, 1913
44,000 yen
Life Scenes of Japan
by Leo Marescaux. Scarce 4th edition., 1957
77,000 yen
Kyoto Higher Technical School
Specially Printed for The Panama–Pacific International Exposition, 1914
44,000 yen
A Brief History of the Glyptic Art and Architecture of Japan
by Yamanaka & Co., 1902
55,000 yen
Keeling's Guide to Japan - 3rd edition
the First Comprehensive English Guidebook Published in Japan, 1887
154,000 yen
Yoshizawa & Co. Price-List of Japanese Postage Stamps, Cards and Rrappers
Very scarce booklet, 1895
44,000 yen
Ancien Japon
par G. Appert avec H. Kinoshita, 1888
88,000 yen
The First Century of the Church in Japan
Translated from the Dutch and Annotated by F. Warrington Eastlake, 1884
110,000 yen
The Chrysanthemum - A Monthly Magazine for Japan and the Far East
Complete set of 3 volumes, 1881-83
198,000 yen
The Eruption of Bandai-San - With a Coloured Plan
Reprinted from the 'Japan Daily Mail', 1888
99,000 yen
Strangers in Strange Lands
Translated by Dr. Humour, 1902
55,000 yen
The Mitsui Ginko - A Handbook for 1897
Scarce English edition, 1896
66,000 yen
The Constitution of Japan
First English translation of the Meiji Constitution, 1889
110,000 yen
Hints to Tourists on Curio Buying
by Deakin Bros. & Co., c1892
66,000 yen
Motoring in Japan by Thomas B. Blow
The first English description of driving in Japan, 1911
121,000 yen
Hereward - The Last of the English
by Charles Kingsley, 1902
66,000 yen
Three Shell Catalogues by Yoichiro Hirase
Very scarce, 1903-08
143,000 yen
Notes for Tourists to Miyanoshita and The Immediate Vicinity
with compliments of The Fujiya Hotel, c1910
38,500 yen
Marriage Customs in Japan
by Watanabe Genjiro, 1904
66,000 yen
Tokio City
Special Edition for the Panama Pacific International Exhibition, 1915
66,000 yen
Public Works in Japan
A Souvenir of the San Francisco International Grand Exposition, 1915
66,000 yen
The Inter-Oceanic Canal of Nicaragua. Its Probable Influence Upon Japan.
by Captain H. C. Taylor, 1891
121,000 yen
The Seismological Journal of Japan Vols. 1-3
edited by John Milne, F.R.S., 1893-94
165,000 yen
Musical Japan by Miss Dulcie Harmony
Published by Akiyama Aisaburo, 1895
165,000 yen
Little Songs of Shade and Sunshine
On hosho paper by Hasegawa Takejiro, 1908
99,000 yen
Japanese Studies by H.G. Ponting
Inscribed by Tokyo Mayoress, Yei Theodora Ozaki, 1906
110,000 yen
Report of the Commissioner of the Imperial Mint
5 issues covering the early years, 1879-84
99,000 yen

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