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People & Portraits

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Large format photo of Bathhouse at Yumoto, Nikko
Uncoloured albumen photo, c1890
88,000 yen
Large format photo of Child Performers
Hand-coloured albumen photo, c1890
88,000 yen
CDV of Japanese Paper Merchants
Very nice image with good contrast, c1870
154,000 yen
Large format photo of a Young Lady Sleeping
Attributed to Baron Stillfried, c1890
88,000 yen
Large format photo of a Blind Masseur and Client
Hand-coloured albumen photo, c1895
66,000 yen
Large format photo of Tayu (High Ranking Oiran)
Uncoloured albumen photo, c1890
88,000 yen
Large format photo of Three Geisha
Uncoloured albumen photo, c1880
77,000 yen
Early photo of Westerners Drinking with Japanese Attendants
Uncoloured albumen photo, c1870
175,000 yen
Large format photo of Kabuki Actors in Costume
Hand-coloured albumen photo, c1885
99,000 yen
Japanese Studies by H.G. Ponting
Inscribed by Tokyo Mayoress, Yei Theodora Ozaki, 1906
110,000 yen
Important, Dated, Personal Photo Album of Japan with 302 photos
City views, Japanese people, early Meiji era dignitaries, 1876-1880
5,500,000 yen
Large Format Photo of the Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Alfred) in Yokohama
Taken to commemorate a bowling match, 1869
2,200,000 yen
Photograph of Duane B. Simmons
Taken by Esaki Reiji in Tokyo, 1888
77,000 yen
Cabinet Card Photo - Group of Chinese Men
taken by Obata Ujinaga in Takasaki, c1900
44,000 yen
CDV of Thomas Erskine Cochrane
taken in Yokohama, 1869
55,000 yen
CDV of Duncan McCalum
taken by Usui Shuzaburo in Yokohama, c1880
44,000 yen
Stereoview Photo of Tachi Kosaku
Superb image, c1862
220,000 yen
CDV of Sugi Magoshichiro
Taken in St. Petersburg, Russia by Charles Bergamasco, 1861
330,000 yen
Medium Format Photo of Edmund Woodman
taken by Riyo Maruki, Tokyo, c1900
66,000 yen
Cabinet Card Photo of Baron Paul de Groote
Taken by Adolfo Farsari, Yokohama, 1890
66,000 yen
CDV of Japanese dignitary
by previously unknown Okayama photographer, c1890
55,000 yen
Ambrotype Photo of Young Girl in Okinawan Kimono
Rare, sharp image , c1880
154,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Western Man in Korean Dress
Scarce image, c1890
110,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Sumo Wrestler
by Raimund von Stillfried, c1880
99,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Sumo Wreslers and Gyoji
by Raimund von Stillfried, c1875
110,000 yen
Pair of Photos of Higgins sisters in Yokohama
Taken by Adolfo Farsari, Yokohama, c1908
88,000 yen
CDV of Nakamigawa Hikojiro
Taken in London. Signed and inscribed., 1876
99,000 yen
CDV of Sonoda Kokichi
Taken in London. Signed and inscribed., c1878
88,000 yen
CDV of Mogami Goro
Taken in London. Signed and inscribed., 1877
88,000 yen
Early Photos of Kobe-based Westerners
including Marshall's House and race-winning horse 'Torpedo', c1872
154,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Tattooed Man and Palanquin
Large format albumen photo, c1880
110,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Tattooed Man
Attributed to Yamamoto, c1880
110,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Sumo Wrestlers
Hand-coloured albumen print, c1890
66,000 yen
CDV of Actor playing Oiwa in Yotsuya Kaidan
Ghost showing the effects of being poisoned, c1900
99,000 yen
CDV of H. Maruta taken in London
Given to Mr. G. Sumiya, c1880
88,000 yen
Cabinet Card of Francois Etienne
taken by Suzuki Shin'ichi in Yokohama, c1885
55,000 yen
CDV of Japanese Group in Hong Kong
Taken by Pun Lun, c1867
88,000 yen
Medium format photo of US Consul Daniel Turner
Only known photo of the diplomat who died young, c1872
165,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Ahrens Picnic at Kawai
Scarce photo, 1880
154,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Two Japanese Ladies
Attributed to Kanamaru Genzo, c1875
88,000 yen
Scarce photo of Ainu people in Sakhalin
taken by Anton Chekhov, 1890
110,000 yen
Large Format Photo of Three Ainu Men
Dressed for a banquet, c1890
220,000 yen
CDV of Tateishi 'Tommy' Onojiro
taken by Felix Beato, c1867
220,000 yen
CDV of Western Lady named Edie
taken in Yokohama by Usui Shūzaburō, c1880
44,000 yen
Cabinet Card Photo of the U.S.S. Swatara and officers
taken in Yokohama by Suzuki Shin'ichi, 1881
88,000 yen
Medium format photo of Japanese lady in Western dress
Attributed to Usui Shūzaburō, c1880
99,000 yen
CDV of Japanese interpreter named Kido
taken by S. Ichida in Kobe, c1885
99,000 yen
Cabinet Card Photo of Nakamura Yasu
The first Japanese female dental college student in the US, c1895
99,000 yen
CDV of Tokugawa Yoshinobu
Disderi Paris & London, c1867
Stereo Photo of Two Japanese Ladies
by Pierre Rossier, 1859

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